Being able to use the Export to Excel / CSV in a microflow - Mendix Forum

Being able to use the Export to Excel / CSV in a microflow


Placing a button on a form to create an Excel or CSV file is 2 seconds of work. Being able to use that document in the application so I can send it through email is just a pain in the .....

Would be nice if I could use this action in a microflow so that a filedocument is created that I can use in the application.




2 answers

@Richard Bakker That is exactly what Ronald Catersels means by the fact that it is a pain in the ... using the excel export module takes a heck of a lot more effort, especially if all you want to do is exporting the simple type of data as you also do with the export buttons on a datagrid.


You can use the excel export module if you want to use this. Take a little bit more effort but you're more in control what you want to send away by email.
