Copying and pasting CSS class names in the toolbox in Studio Pro 9.18.0 and higher - Mendix Forum

Copying and pasting CSS class names in the toolbox in Studio Pro 9.18.0 and higher


Since upgrading to Studio Pro version 9.18.0 it is no longer possible to copy or paste CSS classes in the Classes section in the toolbox.

Currently for copying and pasting CSS classes the specific element needs to:

  1. Be opened by double-clicking
  2. On the pop-up, switched to the appearances tab, which then cuts off the bottom half of the pop-up
  3. The pop-up needs to be extended so that the Classes section is visible
  4. After this the CSS classes can be copied and/or pasted

Now this is not a big issue when this only needs to be done once or very rarely, however if you frequently need to apply classes to elements it can become quite tidious and time consuming. Also, copy and pasting could help prevent having typos in the the class names.

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