Generate OverviewPages have option to put in existing OverviewPages folder - Mendix Forum

Generate OverviewPages have option to put in existing OverviewPages folder


When doing prototyping/RAD development, I often start creating the Entities in the Domain Model, add attributes, make some changes and (re)generate Overview Pages.

Today I did this again in a demo session, but I have to explain that the best practice is to move your OverviewPages from the folders that are getting created (as shown below with suffix _2 and _3) into the OverviewPages.

1. Generate Overview pages:

  1. Discover more folders for OverviewPages getting added with a number suffix:


Can you make the Generate Overview Pages have some more options like:
- Store in Folder defaulting to OverviewPages

It is fine that the generated pages get a suffix with a number in case the pages already exist.

This would avoid having to move the pages and deleting the unwanted folders every time.

Thanks much!

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