Searching/Sorting in grids with parameters to support different languages - Mendix Forum

Searching/Sorting in grids with parameters to support different languages




When developing an app for multiple languages displaying lists or grids, searching and sorting is usually a hassle because we now have to make different but almost identical grids and use $Language/Code to display the correct one. 1 grid would search and sort on $Entity/AttributeNL, the other would search $Entity/AttributeEN and sort on $Entity/AttributeEN.


It would be great if search fields and sorting are also language-dependent, just like labels/captions. For these you can use {1} and {2} and configure them in the properties and display one or the other based on language.

It would be awesome if we could use the same pattern for search fields and sorting and lose the almost identical grids. This would greatly benefit the maintainability. 


Hope you agree!

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