Button On Click Event change to Call a Flow (Microflow or Nanoflow) making conversion of Microflow->Nanoflow and vice versa easier - Mendix Forum

Button On Click Event change to Call a Flow (Microflow or Nanoflow) making conversion of Microflow->Nanoflow and vice versa easier


I am really happy that converting from Microflows to Nanoflows and vice versa is available in Mendix 9.24 now.

I started converting more microflows to nanoflow and would appreciate if in the On Click events for Buttons there would not be a distinction between Microflows and Nanoflows (both accept parameters so easy exchangeable).

If you could just set it to “Call a Flow (Micro or Nano)” and Select would show both the Microflows and Nanoflows, that would make the conversion even easier.


What do you think about this little idea to make the exchange between Microflows/Nanoflows easier?

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