Studio Pro, close tabs/windows directly from dropdown. - Mendix Forum

Studio Pro, close tabs/windows directly from dropdown.



Currently in Studio Pro you need to click on the ‘x’ on a tab to close a tab. If you have many open tabs you need to click through them to find the one you want to close, or you need to use the dropdown, click on the document and close the tab. If you have many open tabs, this can become a bit of an annoying process. 

A slight improvement in user experience would be to be able to close the tab directly from the dropdown. Not life changing but if it's not too hard to implement, I think this can reduce a bit of irritiation. Visual mock up below. 


2 answers

The whole idea is not to have to go to the tab, but easily closing tabs you no longer need without having to navigate there. 


You can also just use the hotkey Ctrl + W to close the active tab.

You can also hit Ctrl + Shift + W to close all tabs.
