Allow HTTP range requests for audio files to enable scrubbing in audio player in Edge/Chrome - Mendix Forum

Allow HTTP range requests for audio files to enable scrubbing in audio player in Edge/Chrome


When storing audio files in the System.fileDocument entity, it is currently not possible to enable scrubbing when you play the file with an audio player on the frontend.


Everytime the user tries to select a different timecode in the player, the audio cursor jumps back to the beginning. No matter what method you choose to play the file on the frontend (HTML audio player of the browser or custom javascript player), the behavior remains the same. It is only possible to play the audio from beginning or resume it when stopped.  E.g. starting from 0:03 is not possible.

The reason why is the way how the Mendix backend provisions the locally stored file in the HTTP request header (as document). 

According to the Mendix R&D team, this feature is currently not possible as mendix is not set up as fully featured media server.


Would be really helpful to have this feature in the future, because now the workaround would be to store the files on a different server.


This issue only occurs in the Edge/Chrome browser. In firefox it seems to work fine.

1 answers

I encoundert the same problem. The solution is to encode the file with the "base64 encode file" microflow from the community commons and then pass the string to the audio tag like this <source src="data:audio/mpeg;base64,${base64String}" type="audio/mp3"> in your JS function
