Expand search results with Buttons for Create and Delete when searching via Find Advanced - Mendix Forum

Expand search results with Buttons for Create and Delete when searching via Find Advanced


Situation: when you right click an entity and select "Find usages in actions" and check "Delete", you won't find the Delete buttons positioned above a datagrid. Take for example Administration.Account: if you didn't build additional functionality, it seems like an account can never be Deleted, as 0 results are returned (see screenshots below).


Discrepancy: Although the Delete button is present on the Account_Overview page, as it is not a microflow or nanoflow, it's not returned as a result of this “Find Advanced” search operation. This makes it harder to find that a user has the functionality to actually delete an Account record on this page. 

Suggested feature (improvement): Include pages and snippets in the search results that have Create or Delete buttons, such that creation and deletion (the lifecycle of an entity) can be found easier. Possible solution shown in the last screenshot.






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