Remove module roles (automatically created with an user role) when the user role creation is cancelled - Mendix Forum

Remove module roles (automatically created with an user role) when the user role creation is cancelled


When creating an user role the modeler provides an option to select modules where this user role should be created as a module role. By default the box "Select / deselect all" is check, so the user role will be created in all modules as a module role. This is the first point of improvement, I create more often just a user role and no new modules roles (usually my modules are not a 1-1 mapping with user roles.

Secondly and most importantly; if I cancel the creation of the User Role all module roles are still there, so I need to go in to all modules > security to remove them one by one. I would like a feature that I can either delete multiple module roles or a rollback on the creation of the automatically created module roles belonging to the cancelled user role. 


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