Idea 1:
Make it possible, that based on a set of rules a specified type of documents should always end up in a specific folder.
Example: I create a Snippet, which today will be saved in the folder I am currently working in. I would like to create a simple rule, that says
“If a new snippet in module _MyFirstModule_ is created, then save it to the folder _MyFirstModule.Snippets_. If it the folder does not exist, create it.”
If a module like _MySecondModule_ is introduced, it should automatically apply the exisiting rules (until someone changes it).
This goes for every document type and will likely help to keep the project more clean.
Idea 2:
Allow to configure the prefix of the document types to keep things more clean. For example it would like to set the prefix for Snippets on the projects globally to “SNIP_” and not “SNI_” or “snip_” or “SNIPP_” (You name it ;-) )
Everytime a document is created or changed, the naming convention should be checked against the set of rules. Likely this would also help to gain more project hygiene.
Both proposal could go hand in hand with the protected modules of Mendix 10. This could make the life of enterprise admins make more relaxed, when apps are being developed outside of their reach.
These rules would be really great as a form of an extensibility plugin.