This is a small thing, but one that has caused problems for some of the new developers I work with. When committing to the Mendix Cloud, if there are updates from another team member it tells you that an update is required. This is great, but it would be nice if after the update completes, assuming no conflicts, that the Modeler than goes on to commit the changes. I have seen a number of users get confused by thinking that once they hit commit, the changes are committed even after an update.
If that is not possible for some reason, it would be at least be a good idea to have a popup explaining that after the update a user should review the incoming changes and hit commit again.
omg everyday.
nope, need to download first
this is going to take a while, talk to collegue
go back to modeler, oyeah what was i doing, o yeah i was working on solving X
(forget to commit...)