Enhancing Mendix Element(Page,Microflow,Nanoflow,etc..,) Properties with Mark as Important Flag to Prevent Deletion - Mendix Forum

Enhancing Mendix Element(Page,Microflow,Nanoflow,etc..,) Properties with Mark as Important Flag to Prevent Deletion


Problem Statement: Developers may unknowingly delete critical Mendix elements, such as action microflows/nanoflows triggered from various Javascript contexts, deeplinks, parsers of excel importer, post processing microflows of import action, etc.., resulting in potential functionality breaks. Additionally, attributes used solely for retrieving information from external databases can be mistakenly deleted without confirmation if it not used anywhere else. Since there will not be any notification to the developer during deletion due to No Usage on Mendix Studio Pro components.


Solution: To address these issues, I propose adding a "Mark as Important" flag to Mendix element properties. This flag will serve as a safeguard to prevent accidental deletion of crucial elements. Here is a refined version of the


Proposed solution:

  1. "Mark as Important" Flag:

    • Add a checkbox labeled "Mark as Important" to the Properties section of each Mendix element (e.g., pages, microflows, nanoflows, etc.).
    • When this flag is selected, the developer must provide documentation explaining the usage and significance of the marked element.
  2. Deletion Prevention:

    • When a developer attempts to delete an element marked as important, a confirmation dialog should be displayed, highlighting the element's significance and potential consequences.
    • The documentation provided in the "Documentation" section should be prominently displayed in the deletion confirmation dialog to reinforce the importance of the element.


Implementation Considerations:

2 answers

Hi Colin Marshall,

Even though the element is not displayed on unused items, we can still delete it without any errors and confirmation.


There is already a “Mark as Used” property for exactly this reason.

Isn’t this good enough, or have I missed your point?
