Default placeholder text per language - Mendix Forum

Default placeholder text per language


Being able to configure a default placeholder text for a Date Picker per language.



In our app, we are using Dutch as the default language setting and we are also using the corresponding default date format here (e.g. 23-04-2018).


However, when using a Date Picker widget with no placeholder text, by default the following text is put ‘dd-mm-yyyy’. The yyyy part is not in Dutch which confuses our customers.

This can become even worse by putting a custom date format in the language like ‘d MMMM y’ where an end user would have to know to enter ‘23 april 2018’ from seeing ‘d mmmm y’ as a placeholder.


We know it is possible in the Date Picker widget to put in a custom placeholder text.
However, as we use a large number of Date Pickers throughout the app it is almost impossible to maintain consistent quality here by having to change them all manually.


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