CSS Grid widget | A layout grid like widget that adds css grid support - Mendix Forum

CSS Grid widget | A layout grid like widget that adds css grid support


I think it would be usefull to have a widget similar to the layout grid but based on a CSS grid instead of the bootstrap based system. There are scenario's where a CSS grid is more practical and suitable over the standard boostrap based system. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan off the Bootstrap grid system but CSS grids just fullfill a different purpose. Now you could create a pluggable widget for this purpose but I'd like the easy of use similar to how the current layoutgrid is implemented and have platform support.

Also Bootstrap has an alternative to the flex based system that is based on CSS grids https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/layout/css-grid/. So maybe it could even be a setting on the layoutgrid it self?

1 answers

maui9 is 100% css grid.

this is really cool, in the CSS in main, you can select a layout type.

this redirects your project to the right style sheet.


the main benefit of this is that all our projects have the same layout components, same dom structure, but all look slightly different and have different responsiveness controls, sidebars, topnav over or under side bar, different mobile support, it gives you great flexibility.


send me a DM and I can show you some time :D 
