Insert version number Studio Pro into application icon - Mendix Forum

Insert version number Studio Pro into application icon


If you use multiple versions of Studio Pro, it is now difficult to quickly recognize the correct version.
At this moment, for every version, 'mx' is shown in the icon in a black frame.
The idea is to include the version in the icon, as shown in the example image.

Of course it can also be done yourself by creating your own icons and manually linking them to the application, but if it could be done automatically, it would be nice.

2 answers

Yes Davy, I'm familiar with the Version Selector, but there are still situations where a version-number in the icon can be handy, for example when you have opened several modelers and want to switch between them.


Have you seen the Mendix Version Selector that comes with Studio Pro? It provides an overview of every single version on your system.
