Compacter nanoflows and microflows | Auto spacing width project setting - Mendix Forum

Compacter nanoflows and microflows | Auto spacing width project setting


I would love to be able to set the default spacing between actions on a project level basis. I think the spacing between actions introduced after Mendix 7 is way too big making microflows and nanoflows hard to read. It really makes reading long flows annoying and un-userfriendly as you'll have to scroll and won't be able to easily scan the logic. It also just doesn't look good imo.


Here is an example of a validation flow btw (it just checks the same thing 4 times for demonstration purposes). One is created with the logic bot (default spacing) and the other the other is how I like to create them. I think the readability is so much better with the condensed version.


1 answers

Fully agreed – the current spacing is way to big. And yes, this is also a matter of taste. Thus a configuration option for that would be a great thing.
