Show Widget Type in Properties / General in Studio Pro instead of having to double click to check in the dialog - Mendix Forum

Show Widget Type in Properties / General in Studio Pro instead of having to double click to check in the dialog


With various widgets in the app you build with Mendix, you need to double click on a form Widget to see the type of Widget, e.g.:

titlebar shows widget type: Text Area

It would be a nice time saver when Studio Pro would display the Widget Type in the Properties pane as the first line in the General section.

You can't find it in properties (checked up to MX10.6.3)

1 answers

Hi Maurits,

Thanks for your reply.


By default most people work in App explorer and structure mode as this is how studio pro opens.

Maybe we need to learn to work more in design mode as you are right that it tells indeed which widget type you are on. 


If Mendix is planning to get rid of structure mode, maybe it is not worth to add it, only if Structure mode is here to stay, adding the widget type in Structure mode too or display it in Properties, that would be highly appreciated for efficiency. 



