Fix bad UX in Version Control menu - Mendix Forum

Fix bad UX in Version Control menu


The Version Control menu does not comply with common UX conventions.

Clicking "Push..." pushes local commits immediately, although three dots generally mean that there will be a dialog with further options displayed.

This led me to unintentionally pushing commits to the remote repository although I was just curious what options the expected Push dialog would give me.



1 answers

We've discussed this and are a bit torn what to do here. In a lot of cases the Push option will directly execute an action, as you mentioned. When you are 'behind' on the server however, clicking Push will lead to a dialog asking whether you want to Pull, which will lead to a dialog asking whether to Rebase or to Merge. So you can both argue for with '...' and without '...'.


This also triggered a discussion why Commit doesn't have the '...' as that always opens a dialog. I expect we'll change that.
