Increasing Efficiency in MendixStudioPro: Enhancements to UnusedItem Feature & Bulk Control for Mark as Used - Mendix Forum

Increasing Efficiency in MendixStudioPro: Enhancements to UnusedItem Feature & Bulk Control for Mark as Used


MendixStudioPro has an "UnUsedItem" feature that searches for unused files, but we would like this feature to work only within a specific module or folder.


Currently, when we do a global search, the search includes modules downloaded from Marketplaces, etc., and this is not efficient for our work. Therefore, we need the ability to search from specified Modules and folders.

We also need a screen to control the "Mark as used" function for all files used in MendixStudioPro's Microflow, etc. at once.


This would make it easy to identify unneeded files and flag Microflow as used. This will remove unnecessary programs, improve program maintainability and readability, and make the raw code easier to use.

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