Find usages of other documents by this document - Mendix Forum

Find usages of other documents by this document


Hello there,


The idea is similar to the existing "Find usages of other user module by this module" but applied to documents instead. so, we get a list of documents used by the selected document.


Some useful usages we can find:


This useful in several scenarios:

  1. In the case of having interactive pages where there are many on change microflows, and I want to check what is this page is using without going through each widget and checking it one by one.
  2. Quickly finding used sub-microflows and show pages in a microflow instead of scanning the microflow for microflow calls & show page activities.
  3. Finding what attributes, the page is using as input in widgets, visibility rules, dynamic classes, and text parameters. 
  4. Finding used rules in a large validation microflow.
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