Be able to quickly navigate with Go To (CTRL+G) to a resource (constant, enumeration, etc) to use Find Usages on this (return this behavior in Mx 9/10) - Mendix Forum

Be able to quickly navigate with Go To (CTRL+G) to a resource (constant, enumeration, etc) to use Find Usages on this (return this behavior in Mx 9/10)


With Go To (CTRL+G) it is very easy and quick to navigate to a specific microflow in the App Explorer and use Find Usages on this to quicky navigate through the logic.


However, if you want to achieve something similar with constants or enumerations, you're not able to use CTRL+G, but instead you have to find the resource manually in the App Explorer to be able to do this. Because with Go To in combination with a resource it opens the details without navigating to it.


It will be very helpful if you could also navigate to a resource by using CTRL+G. Also for scheduled events and other resources this would be useful.

5 answers

I understand your inconvenience in navigating to constants, enumerations, and other resources in App Explorer. Indeed, the Go To (CTRL+G) function could greatly simplify this process. Adding the ability to navigate resources via CTRL+G would be a welcome addition, improving the Mendix experience and making development more efficient.


That is exactly what I'm looking for Edwin, thanks for adding the fact that it used to be like this in Mx 8.


In earlier Mx versions (e.g. 8.12) when using Ctrl-G to go to an enumeration, project explorer would navigate to this enumeration:




Then you would also know in which module and folder this enumeration is stored. I would prefer to get this behavior back in Mx 9/10 too!


Or let Ctrl-G activate the search bar in the App Explorer (similar idea:


Brilliant idea, I'd love to see this!
