Multiple account switcher - Mendix Forum

Multiple account switcher


We can now have multiple accounts connected, primarily for gamification purposes, but mainly, these accounts still act as if they are not related at all. One painful situation for folks with multiple accounts is that I have to constantly switch accounts in Studio Pro, even though I have already linked all these accounts.




The reason for multiple accounts is simple: many of my customers require that I log in with a company account tied to their Mendix company.


It would be awesome to have Studio Pro switch automatically between accounts based on your open project. After you log in once (especially via the SSO options I have with almost all of these accounts), you shouldn't need to switch manually afterwards. 


Or if that is too difficult have the ability to log in with multiple accounts in Studio Pro and use the account popup menu to switch between the active account:




This would resolve having to Sign Out and Log In.


The automatic switcher could prevent opening an app while logged on to an account without access and getting all kinds of weird issues, both when opening a local working copy or opening an app from Sprintr directly.

2 answers

I think you misunderstood @Tim van Steenbergen. This is not for apps built with Mendix but for Studio Pro itself. I have multiple Mendix accounts working on Mendix projects for several companies and have to switch between them as I open up different projects with the same Studio Pro version. Even though these accounts are linked, that means logging out from one account and log in in to another. If I do not, I can't use the private marketplace, commit to or update from the repo, etc.


Pretty recently I published the DemoAccount switcher to the Mendix Marketplace. Feel free to use it, or improve on it and create a pull request with those improvements. The working is simple: inyour app, create one demo-account named demo_<userrole> for each userrole you want to switch to. That is all.

