Ability to define list of users that can commit into mainline - Mendix Forum

Ability to define list of users that can commit into mainline


To ensure best practices are followed (e.g. naming convention, micro/nanoflow layout, components structure), a business engineer who has completed feature development requests his/her team lead to review changes in Studio Pro (by merging feature branch in mainline) and to give green light to merge mainline. This process is working based on trust. 



1. Current Studio Pro allows any user with Business Engineer role ability to create feature branch from main line and merge feature branch to main line. 

2. There is no guarantee a business engineer follows the agreed process to create a feature branch for development and making changes straight into mainline

3. To ensure proper compliance, there is a need to have some form of control/permission on commits to mainline


Proposed idea: 

1. The idea is to have the ability to define a list of users with Business Engineers/Scrum Master role with elevated permission to commit to mainline.

2. These privilege users or reviewers can perform review and block commits to mainline that are not following the defined guidelines / best practices as defined by the organization. To perform review, this can be done as it is today using "Merge Changes Here.."  in Mendix project mainline to review the changes from the feature branch.

3. If the changes are conforming with the guidelines/best practices, the reviewers can commit into mainline to complete the feature development. Otherwise, the business engineer will be informed to revise their work.

4. To define the list of privilege users, users with Scrum Master role can define list of users under "App Settings" options

5. Any Business Engineer who is not in the privilege users list cannot perform merge feature branch or commit to mainline


Future work:

1. This idea is extensible to create a pull request-like functionality similar Git in Studio Pro.

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