Performance Issues in Mendix 10 Modeler - Request for Improvements - Mendix Forum

Performance Issues in Mendix 10 Modeler - Request for Improvements


Has anyone else been experiencing severe performance issues with the Mendix 10 modeler, even in the most recent version? Despite the promising new features, I've noticed a significant slowdown compared to previous versions. It feels like every simple action, from opening a microflow to navigating through menus, now has a noticeable delay, where these used to be almost instant. After a few hours of use, the modeler becomes sluggish, often requiring a full system restart to restore performance.


I'm working on a normal project, not particularly large or complex, but this was not an issue with Mendix 9. These delays add up throughout the day, leading to a noticeable drop in development speed. I'm even considering reverting back to Mendix 9 to maintain productivity, which should never be the case with a new release.


It would be great if the development team could prioritize performance optimization in the next update. Perhaps focusing on memory management or providing an option to disable certain resource-heavy features. Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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