Show notification in Windows when the modeler is done with a local run - Mendix Forum

Show notification in Windows when the modeler is done with a local run


Right now you only know if the modeller is done compiling and available via localhost by either having the modeler open, waiting for the run to finish, or to press F5 in the browser view (since Chrome and the localhost:8080/reload thing doesn't always work). 

So the idea is to show a notification via the Windows 10 message center (just like any other app) that tells the user the build is finished.

2 answers

With the improved Instant Update we also discussed this. 

How about a notification in the browser when the page is reloaded? Then you dont have to switch and wait. Also, with the Instant update, most changes are reloaded very quicly.


I'd appreciate having this in the Modeler!

Together with a function to enable/disable this. Because I wouldn't want to spam my notification center or get popups from the modeler after compiling small apps which only take a couple of seconds to compile.

