Mendix 7.12 Nanoflow as a homepage - Mendix Forum

Mendix 7.12 Nanoflow as a homepage


Hi All!

It's great that Mendix started to work on nanoflows to have microflow-based logic working offline and on client side, but it's poor that you cannot place nanoflow as homepage for offline apps. I think that someone just forgot to enable them as selectable objects in modeler :)

5 answers

We have implemented this on native mobile clients but not on web based clients. As a workaround you can use a widget to trigger the JavaScript (or a Nanoflow), which might even be more elegant as you can maintain the navigation highlighting in a single location on the page.


Is this still on the Mendix backlog? We have a javascript action that needs to be run after opening the home page, to make sure the right menu item is selected. Currently we cannot select a nanoflow as homepage and thus cannot select the right menu item for the first page. All pages are opened with nanoflow to execute this javascript action, would be great if we could also implement this for the home page.


Thank you for the use case. This is also one we had in mind.



We have built mobile app for anonymous users, so we need to identify user with a device id to store object selectable by anonymous user. To achieve this, we need Mobile Device widget that is placed within a dataview having some attributes available to be populated by this widget. This mobile device object is non-persistent, so would be great to have a nanoflow that will create this object and open the page having this object as a context.



This was not something that is forgotten. With the way nanoflows are implemented this is more complicated to add as nanoflows are exported with the pages and in this case you do not have a page yet. We also prioritized other features higher, so thats why this feature is currently not included yet. However, this is something that is on our backlog.

Can you tell me something about your use case?
