It would be nice to define placeholders in snippets. So there is room inside the snippet for the caller of the snippet to do extra stuff. Sometimes I create almost duplicate pages/snippets only because there needs to be a button somewhere between the rest of the snippet.
As an extra it would be nice, inside that placeholder, to be able to use the context of the caller of the snippet as a parameter for a microflow.
Using the same building block in 200 field in the project but trying to change them all one by one when you want to make a change is a real disaster. It takes a lot of time. I hope we will see this feature soon.
It's coming guys!
do it!
Pluggable snippets :D
5 years ago....
when nesting multiple snippets today the most underlying element needed an onclick action but only on a specific page, needed to rebuild out the entire snippet so now I have 2 versions of the same snippet with similar underlying elements.
I coudn't agree more with placeholders in Snippets. I think it's one of the most important features Mendix could implement in order to become more modular. The lack of options here is one of the major reason you're forced to create technical debt by copy pasting things that shouldn't be duplicated. It will allow all kinds of excellent improvements:
Offcourse I know about building blocks but everytime I use one I'm like there is some additional technical debt for you.
this sound a lot like the idea for “building blocks2”
where you have the placeholders like in layouts where you can add page specific elements.
also having the ability to update the building blocks in a central location.
I also think tools such as Figma do a great job of what you can or cant change in an “instance” of an asset.
Also please allow islands inside of the placeholder. example, snippet has a placeholder. And that placeholder has an island where the original snippet can continue to add stuffs.
yes this would be handy!
Do something with this! 3 months ago, someone requested the same, it is still wanted so bad!
By doing so, Snippets could almost turn into whole blocks of functionality and yes, please do that.
We work with a lot of manual components and prefer to use list views with our own filters, instead of datagrids. A layout grid, a few containers and some classes that every time have to be copied. If we could just reuse the same snippet and use different input fields, then everything would be so much easier and our product must more consistent with our more effort.
Excellent idea, this would be very useful for certain projects!