Show message before merging from another branch, checking the latest revisions -> not having conflicts - Mendix Forum

Show message before merging from another branch, checking the latest revisions -> not having conflicts


When merging from another development line, Mendix makes it clear that there are already merged revisions by making them greyed out. 

However, when someone else makes another merge to that specific development line, those merged revisions are not greyed out on my side and the possibility occurs for having conflicts that in fact are not conflicts and will not be conflicts when updating before.

Let's say we have 2 branch lines.
Branch A
Branch B

We only merge from branch A to branch B.
In branch A we develop and have the following commits resulting in the revisions: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Then we merge the revisions from A to B. First we update B and then start the merge from 11 to 20. And we commit the merged revisions on branch B, which will become revision 21. So far so good, the next time I would like to merge revisions from branch A, those are greyed out.

Then we develop a little more on branch A to revision 25. Another developer is performing the merge from A to B and is also updating on beforehand. 
He commits the merged changes on branch B and will become revision 26.

We develop again a little further on branch A and revision 30 is the last one.
I will be merging the latest revisions again to branch B. However, if I'm not updated before the merge, I will have the possibility to merge from revision 22 from branch A and when I do this, It could result in an conflicts. Mostly with new created Mendix documents in the revisions already merged by the other developer.

Solution: Ask or demand first updating, just as with committing, before I'm able to perform a merge.

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