I think I would be a good thing if it was possible to mark cross module associations to be included or excluded when importing & exporting a module.
Why do I reckon this is useful?
Often you start making a module, and it is re-used in different projects. But each project you build with it, it transforms or is enhanced in a way that it contains project specific things. Associations from other modules to the entities in your generic module are added which don't exist in your other project. So if you have to export and import it, the chances of having a lot of missing associations is very well possible. I think it should be possible to:
1. Exclude associations that are project specific and don't need to be exported
2. If an association was included but the other object it references to doesn't exist in the project you import it into, allow for selecting the module.object you wish to replace it with. Then automatically check if all attributes used in the logic exist and guide the user to resolving the import conflicts, things like missing attributes etc.