Remove modeler warning for empty label when icon picture is selected - Mendix Forum

Remove modeler warning for empty label when icon picture is selected


As I work through the warning list in my model, I see I have a warning for a navigation menu item which has no caption.  Instead, I have selected a picture of a house to show the user they can go home.  It would be nice if the modeler didn't display empty caption warningss when an icon was selected, as this is most likely a deliberate selection.  It is a small thing, but something that has bugged me in the past.



2 answers

Hint: you can fill it with a tab-character, which is not displayed, but the warning is gone.


Yes please, no more warnings for buttons, navigation items or anything when there is an empty label but an image/glyphicon is selected. Instead allow the user to search for empty labels using the advanced search.
