Make it possible to search on a time in a Search field of an attribute with DateTime instead of only on Date - Mendix Forum

Make it possible to search on a time in a Search field of an attribute with DateTime instead of only on Date


Hi there, it seems weird you can only use datetime attributes as dates when you want to have search options in a data grid.
You simply cannot search on times.

On the forum people now advice workarounds like: save your time in a different attribute as a string and use that to search. This issue has been ongoing for about 7 years since there was already someone wondering about it here:

Therefore, please add the possiblity to also search on time. For example, the developer would have to choose between 2 (maybe 3) formats for a search field on DateTime.
1. Time format, 2. Date format or 3. a combination of the two in a standard format. 

2 answers

Tim's Suggestion would be even better


Would love it if the search/filter of date and time would be extended with every possible option.

Here are the options that Excel (and thus .Net) has to offer:

Whereas in Mendix we are not even able to search or filter by year. See this forum question. And the inability to search on time, like stated here by Desiree.
