Add read permission for org.jose4j.* in the Modeller policy.template - Mendix Forum

Add read permission for org.jose4j.* in the Modeller policy.template


An official UK Government Java .jar we currently use from Mendix requires us change our Mendix Modeller policy.template file by hand to add the following line.

permission java.util.PropertyPermission “org.jose4j.*“, “read”;

Would it be possible to enable this in by default in the next release of the Mendix Modeller so we don't have to keep making manual changes?

2 answers

I would be better to be able to control these permissions ourselves. It quite cluncky to file a support ticket for every line of permission. Everbody is responsible for it's own application security


Any chance this could added? It's a pain having to go into Program Files and manually change the policy.template in each version of the modeller to use this.
