Mendix Releases - Mendix Forum

Mendix Releases


Hi Mendix Team,

Why doesn't Mendix Have Major Releases instead of Modeler Version. Similar to Salesforce, Mendix can have 4 Major Releases in a year.


Summer,Spring, Autumn and Winter Releases. This way, all ideas and suggestions can be bundled into a release on a quarterly basis.



Karthik SM

5 answers

you better don't wish that man....4 major releases further and we are all out! Mx assistant is developing all itself :D

Joke aside.

What anmajor release major makes -for me- are breakthrough changes. If those aren't there, I don't care if you call it major/medior/ is about the new stuff in the realease, not about releasing to release.


Thanks Everyone for your valuable response,


We must also consider that, mendix is a growing technology and keeping that in view, we would want to extend it to as many people as possible.

Many developers are still having trouble during upgrades and not willing to game up for the latest features.


There are still may applications out there which are on Mx4 and Mx5. #JustAsking



Karthik SM


Hi Karthik,

I think the idea of having large releases is not a great idea.
I would prefer even smaller releases, this is how agile projects should evolve, as soon as a feature is done, release it in as a tiny patch, so users can test it, and production team can gather feedback.

The problem is that large organizations need to check and micro manage everything slowing down release cycles.

IMO a release not should not have more then 2new features, otherwise you're holding back and slowing down innovation.


I prefer the monthly cycle =)


Why on earth would you want quarterly releases instead of monthly -_-'
