Some kind of SVN solution to see the changes made to a domain model. - Mendix Forum

Some kind of SVN solution to see the changes made to a domain model.


Sometimes while working on peer reviews, there are changes been made to the domain model which are difficult to find by the person who's doing the peer review.
SVN offers a nice overview to see the details of the change(s) that have been made. Would be awesome if something like that could be implemented in de mx modeler.

2 answers

Duc Bui,

The tool looks great, but it needs too many actions to achieve a quick view of what is changed to a domain model for example. SVN does kind of the same thing, but that also needs too many actions to achieve the goal.

I think it could be way simpler and should be a functionality inside the mx modeler itself.


This tool could help you since it has feature to compare 2 domain models.

For big projects, it really depends on your luck if the tool could create "copyworkingproject" in order to compare...

