Import Entity definition from external DB

I have a business request that shows external  DB data by Mendix UI. I am going to use non-persistable entity & Microflow to complete it, the problem is that we need create many large entities, is there anyway to import entity definition into Mendix domain model?   
2 answers

The best way is to get the entity definition in an XML format and use the button ‘Import web services/XML file that is available in each domain model:

Another option is useful when you can only retrieve the domain model as an Excel, probably with one entity on each worksheet. Then you can create a new Mendix app by going to and click on this option:


Finally I find an interesting way to complete it, Use JSON structure & ‘import mapping’ to automatically create non-persistable entities.

Easy to get Json data from DB. Almost all DB support Json query, take postgresql as an example  

                select row_to_json(t) from (  select * from inventory) t ; it returns {"id" : "cherry", "balance" : 316}

User the Json data to create a Json structure from Studio Pro. 

Create ‘Import Mapping’ from Studio Pro, use ‘map automatically’ it will create non-persistable entity. 
