Popup page - Call a microflow and close the page

I am developing an applicatiion with Mendix Studio Pro 8.6.3. I have a popup window (Page with Popup style). The page contains some fields and a button Close at the bottom of the page. When I click on Close, I would like to call a microflow to perform some actions (call Teamcenter services) and then close the window. - I tried to use “Call a microflow” on “OnClick” action for the close button. The microflow is called, but the popup window is not closed. I tried to use “Close Page” in my microflow, but the window is not closed. - If I use “Close Page” on “OnClick” action for the close button, I found no way to call my microflow. Is it possible to execute a preaction and call a microflow before the page is called.
2 answers

I have just found a solution:

- When I click on Close, I call a nanoflow

- The nanoflow calls a micriflow and then close the page

- The microflow calls the service

It works fine. The page is closed and the service is called when I click on the button Close.


What you did is the right way. Close page action in the end of Microflow should close the pop up page from were action has triggered.  Did you debug the micoflow? check whether there any errors in Mendix console.

