Link does not open Microflow to change password

Hi everyone,  I have a problem with the link that should take me to the Microflow “Step3_DL_SetNewPassword” after I receive the email template from Forgot Password. I receive something like: http://localhost:8079/link/ForgotPassword?GUID=354533….but when I press it to be redirected to the page where I am supposed to change the password, it send me directly to the Home page.  I already configured all in the Forgot Password and DeepLink Configuration and also gave access to Anonymous Users to the page and Microflows that are supposed to work.  I am using the Mendix Studio Version of 8.11.0 Any idea why this is like this?   Thank you in advance!
2 answers

Did you set the ‘DeepLinkHome’ microflow as starter in the home microflow?

So either as default-home page or role based home page, create a microflow that has this microflow as start activity.


Hi ,

I am facing this same issue . Was this resolved ?. Please help me.
