Navigation native profile

Hi guys, I am facing some issues.I am using navigation Profile of Native Profile For Native mobile app.My issues are :- 1.why Anonymous user must in native profile It is not good for security purpose. 2.If i selected user role like i selected user role when i run app in my mobile device it will show web pages instead of Native pages.  
2 answers

Hi Disha,

  1. I think it is required for login purpose. I don’t see any security risk there as long as you setup your project security correctly and only give login page and microflow access to anonymous role.
  2. If you are testing locally than are you using Make it Native app? If not than please download make it native app to view native app


Hope this helps!


Hi Mohammed,
I downloaded Make it native app in my device.and making app from Native Mobile QuickStart with mendix Studio Pro.But when i scan QR code in my device i have this issue.Please suggest me what can i do ?
