Sing out button (app sing out + SSO sign out)

Has anybody managed to have 1 button to sign out the user from the app as well as from IdP provider?   side question, is there a way to create a link/button to an external page and make the page open in the same tab? 
3 answers

HI Alex,

Has anybody managed to have 1 button to sign out the user from the app as well as from IdP provider?

Yes, we can handle this with microflow with the REST Service call to delete the sso session by passing the sso userid for the loggedin user and java action that clears the local session (Example : com.mendix.core.Core.logout(getContext().getSession()); )


Is there a way to create a link/button to an external page and make the page open in the same tab? 

Yes, there is a widget named ‘URLRedirector’, configure the settings as Target : Same browser page




Thank you Ananthi.

I am brand new to Mendix. Would you be able to explain in detail how to make this microflow? 

I know how to create a microflow and how to assign a microflow to a button. But pretty much that’s all I know. 


Sing button in toolbox.  Type to search it:
