Unable to login The current license does not allow more users to sign in

Trying to Run Locally today, working on a Licensed Mendix Project, I am having the same ‘Unable to login "The current license does not allow more users to sign in"’  problem reported in:  https://community.mendix.com/link/questions/101369 .      I've been working with Mendix since February and on this particular Licensed Mendix Project since June, without ever seeing this Error before.   Now, when I try to Run Locally from the Desktop Modeler, I get the Error in the 1st screenshot and the Console messages in the 2nd screenshot.       I tried the following:   Closed the Project and reopened and got the 3rd screenshot message (below).   Then, Viewed & Installed the Certificate through the wizard accessed through that pop-up.   Same problem  Then, tried opening a new copy of the App from the Team Server instead.  (after renaming the copy that I had locally so that it would not be found) Same problem  Then, tried signing out of the modeler & back in.   Same problem  Then, tried clearing the browser cache.   Same problem  
2 answers

Clean your deployment directory and run again. You will find the option in the menu-bar of your modeler under ‘project’


Hi Dawn,

Just stop the application completely and rerun the application again. It will fix this issue
