Not able to consume the published REST service

Hi, I’m the beginner to the mendix, I have create the REST Service with ID(AutoIncrement) and ran it on a localhost, and added few records over there, then i tried to get the record using the ID parameter  Its working working fine. And I have created the New separate APP to consume the REST service. I have implemented using the JSON structure for GET functionality with ID as a parameter value. the consume app having only one page, with search bar, and i have added the datagrid on to the same page, then i dragged what data to be shown from JSON structure to DataView page  . Now both application is running on the localhost with different ports.  If i search for the ID which is existing on the Service, No results were binding to the datagrid. if i search for the ID which is not existing on the Service, its showing Error popup “An error occurred, please contact your system administrator.” Am, i m missing or i need to take care of anything here?
1 answers

You can set breakpoints in the microflows that retrieve the data. That might help in finding the mistake you made. And the error you are getting should also be visible in your console with a complete stacktrace. That might give you a clue about the problem. Otherwise edit your question and post the stacktrace so we can take a look.



