Login error to Mendix

Hello, I am using the Mendix with MindSphere. To start with the App development I downloaded the Mendix Studio Pro and Siemens MindSphere Starter Application. When I attempt for the login in the App Mendix Studio Pro, I get the following error. I really don’t know what I messed up with. I am a beginner to the Mendix and MindSphere.
3 answers


currently the sign in via WebKey Button (the Identity Provider  (IDP) used in Mindsphere) is missing at the login screen. As you have created your account at Mindsphere you need this IDP to login.

I got the information that the possibility to select WebKey as IDP ( will be a button next to the SAP Button) will be there at the 9th.

At the moment there is nothing you could do. Just wait until tomorrow.


Hi Akshay,
i’m sorry that the IDP is still not visible – will check this and came back to you as soon as possible. 
Downloading / using a different version of Mendix Studio Pro will not solve the problem.
Just looked at https://appstore.home.mendix.com/ the page is working – at least for me.


Hi Akshay,
finally the missing IDP “Siemens – DI Software” is there. Please use this:

to login to Mendix.

