Email template

Hello everyone, does anybody know how to use email template?? It looks vey uncompleted functionality?? 
2 answers

I just set mine up.

I set an association from the main object I was working on to the Email module.


I then did the same for attachment.


Then I added the server setup pages to my app, logged in and set my server info. 


Once I did that, I created a new Email object on the page I was working on,

inside of this view I took some of the email templates they had included (under admin > email I believe) and set the FROM, TO, HTML etc… Fields.

On save on my actual item I was working on I called a microflow and inside of this I set the emailassociation to my other object.. Any email info you have at this time (in a microflow) can then be added to the email object.

Once that is done, you can add the ivk_send_email (something like that)  microflow included with the email application  in your current save flow. This is what worked for me, but I’m not going to lie, it took a bunch of time. 


I use the Email with Templates module.  It provides complete functionality for sending emails from your Mendix app.  You can read about how to configure it here:

