Add details button to Data Grid

Dear All, I have been thinking and trying to solve the following problem. Im creating an app that should have a details button in its data grid as the first picture attached. How can I set up a details button for it on my data grid(second picture? Thanks in advanced  
4 answers

Not possible from the modeler (yet), but there are some widgets that can help you with this, f.i. Datagrid Extension
Another solution would be to style a list view or template grid like a datagrid, and add the button there.


The datagrid extension widget isn’t supported in 8.x So not advised to use.If you still want to use it, you need to drop it ABOVE the datagrid widget, not ON the datagrid.

The best solution is to use a listview instead, which allows you to add whatever you want in your list items


That is a painpoint. As already mentioned, a listview styled as datagrid will help, but you loose some of the Datagrid options. But on MendixWorld, they announced a new widget that seemed to solve this issue. The community already waits for this for quite some time. Let’s hope that it will be released soon.


Hi Ruud, I am new to mendix I have tried to use this widget before but it does not let me drag and drop into my datagrid, do you know if there is any tutorial or instructions on how to use this extension? Thanks in advance :)
