Merging Mendix Applications

Hello, I am trying to allow two Mendix applications that our team created to be merged together, and have the ability to speak with one another. I was able to merge both of my applications by clicking on: File: ‘Import Project Package”, which added both applications to one project. One of the projects is a homepage that contains 1 “open page” link  to “recipes”, and the other project is the actual “recipe” page. I have tried to use “Open Link” to navigate to the other project, but I am not successful in connecting them.  It will only work if there are 2 pages in the SAME project, instead of having 2 pages link up that are each from a DIFFERENT project. How can I achieve this? Attached is a photo.  Thank you for the help! 
3 answers

If I understand your challenge correctly you now have 1 Mendix project that has 2 modules containing the pages. 1 page in module 1 Landingpage and the other in module 2 the InstallModule and you are trying to open the page Home from module 1?

And this does not work, the Home page is not opened when clicking the button?

As you imported the module the permissions might need to be set in the security section to allow for the used userrole to view the page in the newly imported module.


With the link button you can open links and the properties look like this:

With an open page button the properties look like below and I think this is what you need:


If both modules are in the same project, just use the ‘Show Page’ action to open the Recipe page from a list of Recipes on Home.

If you're talking about different projects than you need to set the URL on the Recipe page and use that in your Home project to navigate to. But you need to think about different environments (test/acceptance/production) to get the right URL and you might need deeplinking and authentication. That seems a couple of steps to far for now, based on your question. I would advice to get a developer with some experience in Mendix.


Picture 1: Landing Page View (homepage)

Picture 2: Install Module “Home” page

Picture 3: Properties View

Picture 4: (Deployed)
