Selecting data via association in the domain model as a data source

Dear Mendix Community, I would like to set up a list of deliverables for one specific launch. Instead of displaying the whole deliverable set which the mendix application knows, I only want to link the deliverables which the launch needs. As Mr Hofwegen already consulted me, I would like to solve this topic by selecting my data source over associations. However, I am not able to select associated features in my data source selector. I have attached a screenshot of my issue and my domain model. Can you tell me where I made a mistake and help me correct it? Kind regards, David Obry 
2 answers

In your screenshot, the context object is available on top (Launch), expand this object to view and select associations.


Hi David,

In the select entity pop-up, if you click on ‘+’ icon next to ‘Launch’ entity than you will be able to see all the relevant associations that can be selected for list view.


Hope this helps! 
