List View within List View

Hi All, I am fairly new to Mendix and do have questions related to list View. I am using Mendix 8.14.1 version. I am trying to build a page based on List view Widget and then have 12 more List View (1 for each month) underneath it. On running the app, I notice that out of 12 List View only 5 are getting populated. For rest it says No Items Found. When I checked data, I can see all records. Even for testing purpose, I copied 1st Child list view to all remaining 11 Child list view, then also only 5 are getting display when running locally. Do we know if there are any restriction on List View usage if used within a list view?
2 answers

Hi Rene,

below is my Domain Model and Page Setup.

Idea is that I am trying to setup a Project and creating Demands within same Project. If Project if for 2 years, I will see 2 table (1 Tab for each year) and within each tab, I will have 12 columns for each month.





Hi Rene,

Those list view are based on X-Path with different filter criteria so displaying different data.

Also will it impact if I have *-* associations rather than 1-*?
