When upgrading from 8.13.2 to 8.14 we get error on Non persistent entity. Till 8.13.2 they worked fine.

Hi, When upgrading from 8.13.2 to 8.14 we get error on Non persistent entity. Till 8.13.2 they worked fine. Caused by: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: 'SvcModule.MyNPE' is not a persistable entity at com.mendix.connectionbus.DomainModelUtilImpl.getPersistableMetaObject(DomainModelUtil.scala:68) at com.mendix.connectionbus.DomainModelUtil$.getPersistableMetaObject(DomainModelUtil.scala:31) Any tips on what could be going on? This is a web responsive app. And if this relates to the following mentioned in the 14.0 release notes, what may be the resolution/workaround? "We added a consistency check to prevent the passing of non-persistable entities returned from a microflow to another microflow called from a nanoflow that is accessible through an offline navigation profile. (Ticket 103607)"  
1 answers

We had the same issue and working with Mendix Support found a workaround for the issue. We were using associations (and context) to retrieve the data.  When we switched to microflows the error went away. If you can retrieve SvcModule.MyNPE in a microflow, it may avoid the problem.
