Thank you for such a prompt response and apologies for my delayed one.
My widget is located within the CustomWidgets folder as per the online tutorial.
The build script makes reference to "pluggable-widgets-tools build:web"
which I understand to be a mendix-endorsed node package to handle widget building.
As such the output seems relative instead of absolute.
I can find the mpk file. It exists within the
"~/CustomWidgets/shiftCalendar/dist/1.0.0" dictory as well as the "~/widgets" directory.
Is there a more detailed log file or output that I can review ?
if you stop de watcher and restart it (npm run dev) then you get a lot of script lines, and somethimes when scrolling up you see the causing error there.
Have you solved this? If so please add your answer here or at Thanks
Mendix has released a new version of this course that no longer has this error.