Passing Account Name Info to Audit Trail

Hi Mendix Community, I am currently having an issue passing an attribute to the Audit Trail. I have SAML enabled which creates the user’s username as System.User.Name and that passes correctly into the audit trail (as in the first attached image). I also have SAML creating the Administration.Account.FullName for each user. However, when I add this to the Audit Trail, in the live app, this column appears blank. While the Administration and System modules are both their own module, I still have identically configured cross-module associations between the entities (System.User and Administration.Account) and the AuditTrail entity (Log). I’ve attached a snapshot of these associations as well. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing incorrectly? I am happy to provide further information if this is too vague... Thanks in advance!  
3 answers

Coould this be a permission issue, does the user that you use to look at the data have permissions to mange users with the Administrator role? If not the name might come up empty.

A quick check could be to have a look in the database directly and see if the data is present or not.


Aside from your probably security related issue as Erwin describes:

You shouldn't alter the AuditTrail module and should modify your Log_Webinar and Log_Account (duplicate??) to be the other way round, as a reference set. So the owner of the association is Webinar (or Account, but you will lose that data also in case of future update)  In your current setup, when you upgrade the module in the future, you will lose this data. 




I'm also facing same kind of issue in my application. How you resolved this issue?


I'm also getting blank username.



